
DINAMICA is a training Agency, recognised by the Italian local authority Emilia-Romagna Region and operating in the agricultural field. Its membership is composed by the Farmers Unions and the Research Centres on animal and crop productions of the Emilia-Romagna region. DINAMICA is organised in 2 departments: Professional Training and Technical and Economic Assistance. It is based in Bologna, with 9 territorial units distributed in 9 different provinces in the regional territory of Emilia-Romagna. The role of DINAMICA is to contribute to the rural development through activity of study and diffusion of the technical and organisational innovation, in the field of economy and business management, farm accounting, business planning, economic and environmental monitoring, agro-environmental analyses, recovery of the landscape, food quality and safety, and rural development. In particular, DINAMICA has the mission to promote the professional development in the agro-food and agro-industrial sectors, pursueing this both through training activity and professional requalification, and through actions of assistance and economic technical advising.

SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO is the largest and strongest centre of higher agricultural education in Poland. There are 17 Faculties offering under-, graduate and postgraduate courses for about 25000 students. The Faculty of Economic Sciences and participating in the project Department of Business Economics and Organization, which operates within Faculty’s structure, has the leading position in Poland in the field of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management. The Faculty offers four MSc programs (Economics, Management and Marketing, Finance and Banking, Logistics) for about 4000 students. Both the Faculty and the Department have established strong scientific and educational relationships with many research and academic institutions in Poland, as well as Europe-wide, through a range of joint activities.

UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY (UTH), with 18 Departments and various Research Centers, is a University with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system and is extended over the whole Region of Thessaly with academic Departments in Volos, Larissa, Trikala, Karditsa and Lamia. The main mission of the University of Thessaly is the promotion of scientific knowledge through research and the contribution to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. It is known for its excellent research performance and outstanding scientific achievements, in accordance with the international Standards. The University brings also students in contact with the labor market through its LIFELONG LEARNING CENTER, certified by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP). The DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CROP PRODUCTION AND RURAL ENVIRONMENT of UTH is located in the region of Thessaly in Central Greece. The main mission of the Department is to conduct applied and technological research that leads to new products and services with environmental, economic and social impact.

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore”Antonio Zanelli” is a higher education institution that includes a course of study specializing in land management and environment, whose objectives are well suited to the challenge of this project. This will be accomplished by performing a series of awareness activities the young people being the audience for and recipient of this work. Relevant subjects of Istituto “Zanelli” are technological development in bioeconomy, bioenergy and agro-food areas. The previous experiences of the institute focused on the conservation of endangered species of flora and fauna and in the creation of a bank for the conservation of seeds of a protected species of pumpkin. Since years the institute is breeding and preserving endangered pig species, like the “cinta senese” pigs.

The Gran Sasso – Laga National Park (PNGSL) is a National Authority having the mission to safeguard and promote the conservation and valorisation of the natural heritage in its territory. The Park Authority carries out activities permanently interacting with the local communities in order to make conservation a shared objective. Main activity sectors of PNGSL are: management/safeguarding animal and vegetal heritage; promotion of scientific research in cooperation with research bodies; development of actions for environmental improvement; education and awareness programs in cooperation with schools as well as conservation/promotion of the socio-cultural heritage of the area. The area of PNGSL is formed by a Southern (Gran Sasso) and a Northern (Laga Mountains) range, differently characterized by rocky ridges, peaks, forest and grassland, used for livestock raising, firewood and chestnut production, and also for mountain recreational activities (mainly hiking). The majority of the park area is privately owned by inhabitants and by the communities owning mainly pastures and most part of the forests. The Park, located in the heart of the Apennines, extends over the territory of three regions: Abruzzo, Lazio and Marche, including five provinces in its perimeter: L’Aquila, Teramo, Pescara, Rieti and Ascoli Piceno, and 44 municipalities.

ESCOLA PROFISSIONAL COOPERATIVA EPRALIMA is a private and cooperative school, which focuses on vocational education, while offering Youth Education and Training Courses, Adult Education and Training Courses, and Specialized Technology Level V Courses. Epralima has based its development strategy on preparing youths and adults for the exercise of qualified professions, by developing mechanisms that create closer ties between schools and economic institutions, as well as professional and cultural associations of the social tissue in the name of achieving an integrated human and entrepreneurial qualified training project which meets the integrated developmental needs at the regional and local levels. The foundation of Epralima is based on the assumptions of its social project, which has established relationships with the community – particularly with the world of business and labour, coming together to consolidate a project devoted to the development of its region.

Association MINTIES BITĖS is a youth organisation which aims at supporting young people in accessing education and training opportunities outside of the formal education system and insertion to labour market. Association works on voluntary basis with a large network of experts and volunteers available for special activities. Association’s main aim is to support young people to improve their skills, competencies and curriculum, with the final aim to improve their employability at a local, national and European level, promote culture and identity and give a broader understanding of the European Union. In order to reach its aims the Association promotes, prepares, creates, develops, evaluates various educational, vocational, qualification improvement, non-formal training programmes, methodical materials, projects, social partnership networks for professionals and other society groups and individuals. The Association creates, encourages innovative and effective programmes: social inclusion; career guidance; professional rehabilitation and employability; gender equality, etc.